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Naresh Jain's Random Thoughts on Software Development and Adventure Sports
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A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush

Saturday, August 1st, 2015

In software world we call this speculative generality or YAGNI or over engineering.

IMHO we should not be afraid to throw parts of your system out every 6-8 months and rebuild it. Speed and Simplicity trumps everything! Also in 6-8 months, new technology, your improved experience, better clarity, etc. will help you design a better solution than what you can design today.

Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting that we do a sloppy job and rewrite the system because of sloppiness. I’m recommending, let’s solve today’s problem in the simplest, cleanest and most effective/efficient way. Let’s not pretend to know the future and build things based on that, because none of us know what the future looks like. Best we can do is guess the future, and we humans are not very good at it.

Killing Speculative Generality Code Smell

Friday, June 26th, 2009

I’m just reviewing a project’s code. I found a common pattern used in their code base. Every class implements an Interface. Each interface is only implemented by one class. Even more interesting, this interface is not exposed outside. In other words, its not exposed as part of the API.

Then my question is

Why do we need the interface? Why can’t we just use the class directly?

Apparently there is no valid answer. Some told me,

  • Spring forces you to have interfaces.
    • That’s not true.
  • Some told me their mocking framework does not support mocking a class.
    • This is also not true. Most mocking frameworks come with a class extension. Some new frameworks, don’t even distinguish between an interface and a class.

Anyway, we don’t need one stupid interface for every class we create. YAGNI. When we need it, we’ll create it. This is one form of speculative generality code smell.

Go ahead, kill it!

The I Naming Convention

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

I don’t like the I<something> naming convention for interfaces for various reasons.

Let me explain with an example. Lets say we have IAccount interface. Why is this bad?

  • All I care is, I’m talking to an Account, it really does not matter whether its an interface, abstract class or a concrete class. So the I in the name is noise for me.
  • It might turn out that, I might only ever have one type of Account. Why do I need to create an interface then? Its the speculative generality code smell and violating the YAGNI principle. If someday I’ll need multiple types of Accounts, I’ll create it then. Its probably going to be as much effort to create it then v/s doing it now. Minus all the maintenance overhead.
  • Let’s say we’ve multiple types of Accounts. Instead of calling it IAccount and the child classes as AccountImpl1 or SavingAccountImpl, I would rather refer to it as Account and the different types of account as SavingAccount or CreditAccount. It might also turn out that, there is common behavior between the two types of Account. At that point instead of having IAccount and creating another Abstract class called AbstractAccount I would just change the Account interface to be an abstract class. I don’t want to lock myself into an Interface.

Personally I think the whole I<something> is a hang-over from C++ and its precursors.

Some people also argue that using the I<something> convention is easy for them to know whether its an interface or not (esp. coz they don’t want to spend time typing new Account() and then realizing that its an interface).

The way I look at it is good IDEs will show the appropriate icon and that can help you avoid this issue to some extent. But even if it did not, to me its not a big deal. The number of times the code is read is far more than its written. Maintaining one extra poorly named Interface is far more expensive than the minuscule time saved in typing.

P.S: I’m certainly not discouraging people from creating interfaces. What I don’t like is having only one class inheriting from an interface. May be if you are exposing an API, you might still be able to convenience me. But in most cases people use this convention through out their code base and not just at the boundaries of their system.

In lot of cases I find myself starting off with an Interface, because when I’m developing some class, I don’t want to start building its collaborator. But then when I start TDDing that class, I’ll change the interface to a concrete class. Later my tests might drive different types of subclass and I might introduce an Interface or an Abstract class as suitable. And may be sometime in the future I might break the hierarchy and use composition instead. Guess what, we are dealing with evolutionary design.

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