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OO Design Principles

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

Following Object Oriented Design Principles have really helped me designing my code:

Along with these principles, I’ve also learned a lot from the 17 rules explained in the Art of Unix Programming book:

  • Rule of Modularity: Write simple parts connected by clean interfaces
  • Rule of Clarity: Clarity is better than cleverness.
  • Rule of Composition: Design programs to be connected to other programs.
  • Rule of Separation: Separate policy from mechanism; separate interfaces from engines
  • Rule of Simplicity: Design for simplicity; add complexity only where you must
  • Rule of Parsimony: Write a big program only when it is clear by demonstration that nothing else will do
  • Rule of Transparency: Design for visibility to make inspection and debugging easier
  • Rule of Robustness: Robustness is the child of transparency and simplicity
  • Rule of Representation: Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust
  • Rule of Least Surprise: In interface design, always do the least surprising thing
  • Rule of Silence: When a program has nothing surprising to say, it should say nothing
  • Rule of Repair: When you must fail, fail noisily and as soon as possible
  • Rule of Economy: Programmer time is expensive; conserve it in preference to machine time
  • Rule of Generation: Avoid hand-hacking; write programs to write programs when you can
  • Rule of Optimization: Prototype before polishing. Get it working before you optimize it
  • Rule of Diversity: Distrust all claims for “one true way”
  • Rule of Extensibility: Design for the future, because it will be here sooner than you think

When Should We Encourage Developers to Write Comments?

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Many people will argue that there is more badly written code than good code. And its important to write comments to avoid these situations. Therefore we should encourage (force) people to write comments.

IMHO they are absolutely right that today many project suffer from poorly written code without any (good) comments. However every team I know, that suffers from this problem, has always been told (forced) to write comments. In spite of the emphasis on writing comments it has not really helped them.

I usually ask:

By asking developers to write comments are we really addressing the root of the problem?

.i.e. developers don’t invest quality time to write self-documenting code; code that clearly communicates its intent and does not require the deodorant of comments.

May be its time to try something different?

I have seen this myself many times, when we emphasize & educate the team on how to write clean code and ask them to stop wasting time writing comments, the code starts to communicate lot better. Its lot more maintainable. Also we have found that writing automated tests is a great way to document your intent as well.

This is how I would explain the concept Comments Smell to a team:

Writing comments that explain “how” or “what” the code does, what it does, is evil IMHO. Comments (esp. about what and how) is a clear failure to express the intent in code. Comment is a deodorant to hide that failure (smell).

  • If developers don’t invest time to write clear code, what is the guarantee that they will write clear comments?
  • Is doing a mediocre job at both (comments and code) better than doing a great job at just Code?
  • Will it actually be more productive to do both or just one?

Remember the biggest problem with comments it that they fall out-of-sync with code very soon. So its not just about the extra investment to write good comments, but also the investment to maintain them.

One has to think hard to write code that expresses intent rather than write some sloppy code with poor abstractions and get away (washing their hands off) by writing comments. Developers have to take responsibility for writing code that others can easily understand.

Having said that, there are times when “the why” (why we are doing something in the code, a particular way) is not apparent by just looking at the code. So if we don’t find a suitable way to communicate “the why” through code, comment is the fall back option.

Note that comments are a fall back option in “the why” case rather than a default option.

Embracing Context Objects with Fluent Interfaces for my Tests

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Of late I’ve been toying around with a new way of using Fluent Interfaces with a Context Object for my Tests. Esp. when I’m using Mockito.

In this post (Fluent Interfaces improve readability of my Tests), I’ve taken an example and demonstrated how I’ve evolved my tests to be more expressive. In my quest for getting my tests to communicate precisely to-the-point by hiding everything else which is noise, I’ve stared exploring another way of using Fluent Interfaces.

Following is an example:

public void redirectSubDomainsPermanently() {
    response = domainForwardingServer.process(requestFor("blog.google.com"));
                             .serverName("Directi Server 2.0");

lets and on are both Context objects which provide fluent, domain specific api to make the test very easy to read (communicative and expressive). It also helps me hide all my mocking/stubbing related code.

If you compare this with the original code, you can get a sense of what I’m talking about:

public void redirectSubDomainsPermanently()  {
    response = domainForwardingServer.processMessage(request);
    assertServerName("Directi Server 2.0");

Another example showing the Context object and Fluent Interface style is

public void avoidRestrictedWordsInIds() {
    List<String> suggestions = suggester.optionsFor(naresh_from_mumbai);
    lets.assertThat(suggestions).are("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]");

As I said, I’m still toying around with this idea. If this works well, may be it will be part of some mocking framework soon.

Refactoring Teaser 1: Take 1

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Last week I posted a small code snippet for refactoring under the heading Refactoring Teaser.

In this post I’ll try to show step by step how I would try to refactor this mud ball.

First and foremost cleaned up the tests to communicate the intent. Also notice I’ve changed the test class name to ContentTest instead of StringUtilTest, which means anything and everything.

public class ContentTest {
    private Content helloWorldJava = new Content("Hello World Java");
    private Content helloWorld = new Content("Hello World!");
    public void ignoreContentSmallerThan3Words() {
        assertEquals("", helloWorld.toString());
    public void buildOneTwoAndThreeWordPhrasesFromContent() {
        assertEquals("'Hello', 'World', 'Java', 'Hello World', 'World Java', 'Hello World Java'", helloWorldJava.toPhrases(6));
    public void numberOfOutputPhrasesAreConfigurable() {
        assertEquals("'Hello'", helloWorldJava.toPhrases(1));
        assertEquals("'Hello', 'World', 'Java', 'Hello World'", helloWorldJava.toPhrases(4));
    public void returnsAllPhrasesUptoTheNumberSpecified() {
        assertEquals("'Hello', 'World', 'Java', 'Hello World', 'World Java', 'Hello World Java'", helloWorldJava.toPhrases(10));

Next, I created a class called Content, instead of StringUtil. Content is a first-class domain object. Also notice, no more side-effect intense statics.

public class Content {
    private static final String BLANK_OUTPUT = "";
    private static final String SPACE = " ";
    private static final String DELIMITER = "', '";
    private static final String SINGLE_QUOTE = "'";
    private static final int MIN_NO_WORDS = 2;
    private static final Pattern ON_WHITESPACES = Pattern.compile("\\p{Z}|\\p{P}");
    private List phrases = new ArrayList();
    public Content(final String content) {
        String[] tokens = ON_WHITESPACES.split(content);
        if (tokens.length &gt; MIN_NO_WORDS) {
    public String toString() {
        return toPhrases(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    public String toPhrases(final int userRequestedSize) {
        if (phrases.isEmpty()) {
            return BLANK_OUTPUT;
        List requiredPhrases = phrases.subList(0, numberOfPhrasesRequired(userRequestedSize));
        return withInQuotes(join(requiredPhrases, DELIMITER));
    private String withInQuotes(final String phrases) {
        return SINGLE_QUOTE + phrases + SINGLE_QUOTE;
    private int numberOfPhrasesRequired(final int userRequestedSize) {
        return userRequestedSize &gt; phrases.size() ? phrases.size() : userRequestedSize;
    private void buildAllPhrasesUptoThreeWordsFrom(final String[] words) {
    private void buildSingleWordPhrases(final String[] words) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; words.length; ++i) {
    private void buildDoubleWordPhrases(final String[] words) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; words.length - 1; ++i) {
            phrases.add(words[i] + SPACE + words[i + 1]);
    private void buildTripleWordPhrases(final String[] words) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; words.length - 2; ++i) {
            phrases.add(words[i] + SPACE + words[i + 1] + SPACE + words[i + 2]);

This was a big step forward, but not good enough. Next I focused on the following code:

    private void buildAllPhrasesUptoThreeWordsFrom(final String[] words) {
    private void buildSingleWordPhrases(final String[] words) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; words.length; ++i) {
    private void buildDoubleWordPhrases(final String[] words) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; words.length - 1; ++i) {
            phrases.add(words[i] + SPACE + words[i + 1]);
    private void buildTripleWordPhrases(final String[] words) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; words.length - 2; ++i) {
            phrases.add(words[i] + SPACE + words[i + 1] + SPACE + words[i + 2]);

The above code violates the Open-Closed Principle (pdf). It also smells of duplication. Created a somewhat generic method to kill the duplication.

    private void buildAllPhrasesUptoThreeWordsFrom(final String[] fromWords) {
        buildPhrasesOf(ONE_WORD, fromWords);
        buildPhrasesOf(TWO_WORDS, fromWords);
        buildPhrasesOf(THREE_WORDS, fromWords);
    private void buildPhrasesOf(final int phraseLength, final String[] tokens) {
        for (int i = 0; i &lt;= tokens.length - phraseLength; ++i) {
            String phrase = phraseAt(i, tokens, phraseLength);
    private String phraseAt(final int currentIndex, final String[] tokens, final int phraseLength) {
        StringBuilder phrase = new StringBuilder(tokens[currentIndex]);
        for (int i = 1; i &lt; phraseLength; i++) {
            phrase.append(SPACE + tokens[currentIndex + i]);
        return phrase.toString();

Now I had a feeling that my Content class was doing too much and also suffered from the primitive obsession code smell. Looked like a concept/abstraction (class) was dying to be called out. So created a Words class as an inner class.

    private class Words {
        private String[] tokens;
        private static final String SPACE = " ";
        Words(final String content) {
            tokens = ON_WHITESPACES.split(content);
        boolean has(final int minNoWords) {
            return tokens.length &gt; minNoWords;
        List phrasesOf(final int length) {
            List phrases = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i &lt;= tokens.length - length; ++i) {
                String phrase = phraseAt(i, length);
            return phrases;
        private String phraseAt(final int index, final int length) {
            StringBuilder phrase = new StringBuilder(tokens[index]);
            for (int i = 1; i &lt; length; i++) {
                phrase.append(SPACE + tokens[index + i]);
            return phrase.toString();

In the constructor of the Content class we instantiate a Words class as follows:

    public Content(final String content) {
        Words words = new Words(content);
        if (words.has(MIN_NO_WORDS)) {

Even though this code communicates well, there is duplication and noise that can be removed without compromising on the communication.

     phrases.addAll(words.phrasesOf(ONE_WORD, TWO_WORDS, THREE_WORDS));

There are few more version after this, but I think this should give you an idea about the direction I’m heading.

Behavior (verbs) as Test Class Names

Monday, June 15th, 2009

For the last 3 odd years, I’ve been exploring the use of behavior (verbs, instead of Nouns, Test) as my test class names. The verb describes what behavior you expect from your system (program).

For example for a Veterinarian Information System (system responsible for billing and patient history), I would have tests called:

ChargeAccountForServices with the following test methods:

  • makePaymentsAgainstAnAccount()
  • completePaymentsResultInZeroAmountDueOnReceipt()
  • incompletePaymentsDisplaysDueAmountOnTheReceipt()

Another test class: GenerateBillsForClientAccount with

  • notifyIfAccountIsNotDueForPayment()
  • billContainsTotalCostOfAllServicesTaken()

And another test class: ManageClientVisits with

  • trackAllServicesTakenByThePatient()
  • skipVisitIfPatientDidNotTakeAnyService()

These tests helped us flush out Objects like Account, Procedure, Visit and so on…. When we started we had no idea we’ll need these objects.

This style is mostly influenced from a pairing session with Corey Haines post our discussion about “There is no Spoon” @ the SDTConf 2006.

For more about this approach…read my last post…There is No Spoon (Objects)

There is No Spoon (Objects)

Monday, June 15th, 2009

In OO, frequently, we get caught up in modeling our objects based on our perspective of the real world. Since everyone’s perspective is different we end up with a lot of thrashing and confusion. We end up arguing about these models in the air, baselessly. For example in a Veterinarian Information System (system responsible for billing and patient history), we end up arguing whether the Patient class should have a getShot(Vaccination) or should the Doctor class have a giveShot(Vaccination) method. In the end (when we finally start implementing the system) we realize that it really does not matter who gives the shot or takes the shot. What really matters is that we have recorded what shot was given to which patient. So we end up creating a Visit class with a method called add(Procedure).

Long story short, there are no real-world objects, its all how we perceive things. If we try to model our software based on our understanding of the real world, the software would also be as complex as our understanding of the real world. Since in software we are dealing with creating abstractions, we really want to focus on behavior rather than Objects. TDD is a great way to do this.

We start off with a test which expects that our system will exhibit some Behavior. At this point, we don’t know or care about which Object/s will provide this behavior. To make the tests work, we start creating methods that we need from our objects on the test for the time being. Once we have our test working, then we ask yourself, where does this behavior really belong? Sometimes real world objects pop-up. Sometimes we create Objects that don’t exist in real world. This is important because it helps us make our design simpler and more expressive. Slowly we expect more behavior from our system (by writing new tests) which starts flushing out our objects.

Another Example of Thin Slice

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

On the Protest project when I was building the “integration with Ant” feature, I adopted the same thin slice principle. Following are the thin slices I came up with:

  • Create an Ant task which can call Protest, it simply returns the tests in the same order as given to it. (Essentially was a copy of the JUnit Ant task)
  • Add support for a voter (happened to be Dependency Voter), so that we can actually prioritize the tests based on the dependency algorithm. At this point we went ahead and released this task
  • Add support for multiple voters. By now we had created 3 different voters and we wanted to use all the voters
  • Provide a way to specify weightage for each voter. Some voters should be able to influence the prioritized list of test more than the others
  • Once we have a prioritized list of tests, provide a way to specify what top percentage of that list should be executed. This provides the user tighter control over how much feedback they need depending on the type of change they have just made
  • And so on…

Now we could have sat and first designed how the Ant task should look and later wrote the task and then integrated with Protest. But the problem with this approach is:

  • We won’t have anything functional and usable until we finish all the tasks. Too scary from a feedback standpoint
  • We won’t be able to test anything for real until we finish all the tasks. There is a huge risk involved in this approach
  • Essentially we are building an inventory with each of those tasks that are not used immediately. Turn around time for a feature is high
  • It requires a lot of upfront thinking, which I’m not generally good at. At least we’ll have to think through all the input each voter would need and so on. Right now we don’t even have all the voters in place and this forces us to think about them now or introduces an unwanted dependency now.
  • Lots of people argue that the evolutionary approach will be less efficient (more expensive and time consuming) because it gives an impression of thrashing and rework. In my experience, the big upfront design leads to more rework generally. It creates an illusion of streamlined process but in reality, it is actually lot more work and also leads to a rigid and over-engineered design
  • We can also add all the disadvantages of big upfront design here

I hope this example demonstrates the technique of thin slicing and its advantages over its alternatives.

Thin Slice

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

For a given feature, we can come up with multiple thin-slices which can be incrementally (sequentially) built.

Thin Slice is the simplest possible functional, usable, end to end slice of functionality.

Thin Slicing a feature is not a new concept. Generally development teams consider the simple happy path scenario as the first thin slice. The alternative flows are considered as subsequent slices. Today when I think of a thin slice, its slightly more sophisticated than just considering happy path and alternative paths.

Let me explain with an example: Lets consider we are building a web app and we need a feature which allows the user to upload their profile picture.

We can come up with the following thin slices:

  • User can upload any photo (predefined set of image format) – won’t look good coz the image size can vary and hence where ever its displayed won’t align well. Might not have AJAX support (depends on what is simple and quick to do). All the bells and whistles are pushed for later.
  • Build an image scaling facility so that we can reduce the image resolution and hence its size
  • Provide an image cropping facility so that users can crop their profile images
  • Instead of uploading an image from my disk, provide a facility to pull it from the web. The user provides the URL
  • and so on….

Each slice is functional (end to end, we are not just doing the UI or backend bit). This is great for internal feedback. Might not be good enough for a public release. Esp. with just the first slice. In some sense we are incrementally add more power to the feature with each thin slice. From another perspective it feels like we are iterating over the feature and refining the feature as we go along. In either case, We build the feature by adding one by one the thin slice, till the point we feel we can release this feature. Post release we can continue to add more slices.

It is also possible to come up with thin slices which are perfectly releasable. Lets take the same example and see how we could come up with thin slices which are releasable.

  • User can upload a photo (predefined set of image format + clear message showing the expected size and resolution). Any image which does not qualify this criteria is rejected.
  • Knock off the resolution constraint and build image scaling facility so that we can reduce the image resolution and hence its size
  • Knock off the image size constraint and provide an image cropping facility so that users can crop their images to fit the right size
  • And so on…

Check out another example of Thin Slicing from the Protest Project.

Please note that the concept of thin slice is also applicable at a much broader scope than just at a feature level. For Ex: On a given project we use the same concept to plan our small & frequent releases. At a portfolio level we apply the same principle to break projects into smaller loosely coupled projects and then prioritize them.

ToDos Gone Wild!

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Writing ToDos in your code as a reminder that some needs to be fixed is almost considered as a holy grail (universal best practice) to manage technical debt. No one seems to talk about issues using ToDos.

While I’m not against ToDos, I think, in some cases developers build a tendency that:

I’ve put a ToDo, I’ve done my job and now I can move on.

I’ve a problem with this behavior. In some cases there might be tangential work that is worth marking as a ToDo, but in lot of cases what should be fixed now, gets pushed off for later. Slowly the code quality keeps dropping and technical debt sets in.

Building on this thought process, ToDos can encourage wrong behavior of not fixing stuff at the source and pushing them in the future. It’s kind of the broken window syndrome:

There are so many ToDos in this code, one more won’t make a big difference.

Even if someone wants to fix some, looking at the sheer numbers, the person can get intimidated.

Some teams have so many ToDos in their code, that the team develops immunity towards them by now (it losses its value).

So please think before adding your next ToDo.

Alternative System Metaphor for ProTest

Monday, March 9th, 2009

On the ProTest project, instead of using the Election metaphor, we had also considered using the ‘Google Search Engine’ Metaphor.

Each Test is like a web page on the internet with the content we are searching for. The ProTest Search Engine would go through all the test and give a TestRank (page rank) based on various relevance algorithms (strategies). Finally our search engine would do a rank aggregation and present the tests in a prioritized order.

If we went down the Google’s search engine metaphor, we would have ended up with a highly parallel/distributed test ranking algorithms. We would have also cached the tests and associated data.

As you can see, this design would be very different from what we have now by using the Election metaphor. System Metaphors are really powerful and helpful, if used well.

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