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Fetching Cross Domain XML in JavaScript – Simple Solution

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

On my latest pet project, SlideShare Presentation Stack, I wanted to make an AJAX call to SlideShare.net to fetch all the details of the given slideshare user. One easy way to get this information is to request for the user’s RSS feed. However the RSS feed is only served as xml. And due to same-origin policy, I can’t make an AJAX call from my javascript to retrive the XML. I wish SlideShare support JSONP for fetching the user’s RSS feed. However they don’t. They do expose an API with rate limiting, but I wanted something simple. I found the following hack to work-around this issue:

<script type="text/javascript">
    simpleAJAXLib = {
        init: function () {
        fetchJSON: function (url) {
            var root = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=';
            var yql = 'select * from xml where url="' + url + '"';
            var proxy_url = root + encodeURIComponent(yql) + '&format=json&diagnostics=false&callback=simpleAJAXLib.display';
        jsTag: function (url) {
            var script = document.createElement('script');
            script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
            script.setAttribute('src', url);
            return script;
        display: function (results) {
            // do the necessary stuff
            document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = "Result = " + (results.error ? "Internal Server Error!" : JSON.stringify(results.query.results));

Trigger the AJAX call asynchronously by adding the following snippet where ever required:

<script type="text/javascript">

How does this actually work?

  • First, I would recommend you read my previous blog which explains how to make JSONP AJAX calls without using any javascript framework or library.
  • Once you understand that, the most important piece you need to understand is how we’ve used Yahoo! Query Language (YQL) as a proxy to retrieve your XML request to be served via JSONP.
  • Use the following steps:
    1. Write a SQL statement like select * from xml where url=’your_xml_returning_url’ and URI encode it.
    2. Append your yql statement to YQL url – https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=
    3. Finally specify the format as json (ex: format=json) and a callback function name, which will be invoked by the browser once the results are retrieved (ex: callback=simpleAJAXLib.display)
    4. In the callback function, you can access the xml data from this JSON object: query.results

Interesting way of making JSONP AJAX calls from your JavaScript without using any Framework or Library

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

On my latest pet project, SlideShare Presentation Stack, I wanted to make an AJAX call to fetch data from another domain. However due to same-origin policy, I can’t make a simple AJAX call, I need to use JSONP. JQuery and bunch of other libraries provide a very convenient way of making JSONP calls. However to minimize the dependency of my javascript library, I did not want to use any javascript framework or library. Also I wanted the code to be supported by all browsers that supported javascript.

One option was to use XMLHttpRequest. But I wanted to explore if there was any other option, just then I discovered this totally interesting way of making JSONP AJAX call. Code below:

<script type="text/javascript">
simpleAJAXLib = {
    init: function () {
    fetchViaJSONP: function (url) {
        url += '?format=jsonp&jsonp_callback=simpleAJAXLib.handleResponse';
    jsTag: function (url) {
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
        script.setAttribute('src', url);
        return script;
    handleResponse: function (results) {
        // do the necessary stuff; for example
        document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = "Result = " + (results.error ? "Internal Server Error!" : results.response);

Trigger the AJAX call asynchronously by adding the following snippet where ever required:

<script type="text/javascript">

How does this actually work?

Its simple:

  1. Construct the AJAX URL (any URL that support JSONP) and then append the callback function name to it. (For ex: http://myajaxcall.com?callback=simpleAJAXLib.handleResponse.) Also don’t forget to mention JSONP as your format.
  2. Create a new javascript html tag and add this URL as the src of the javascript tag
  3. Append this new javascript tag to the body. This will cause the browser to invoke the URL
  4. On the server side: In addition to returning the data in the expected formart, wrap the data as a paramater to the actual backback function and return it with a javascript header. The browser would eval this returned javascript and hence your callback function would be invoked. See server side code example below:
$data = array("response"=>"your_data");
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
echo $_GET['jsonp_callback'] ."(".json_encode($data).")";

P.S: Via this exercise, I actually understood how JSONP works.

If you want to call an API, which does not support JSONP, you might be interested in reading my other blog post on Fetching Cross Domain XML in JavaScript, which uses Yahoo Query Language (YQL) as a proxy to work around the same-origin-policy for xml documents.

Usability and Security: Striking a Hard Balance

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Recently I was designing a web application which has a standard user registration module. You need a unique email address to successfully register a new account. Once the user fills in an unique email address along with other basic info, the use can go ahead and register the account. To prevent bots from trying to register bogus users, we had to introduce a captcha image, so that real human users can enter the captcha code for registration. This is the first instance where because of security reasons we have to introduce an extra step in the registration process and hence compromise on the usability. 

Since most website have captcha today, I can live with this compromise. But the story does not end here. To make the registration process smooth, I had provided AJAX calls on the email address field on the registration page, so that if the email address is already registered, then the user can be notified much before entering all the other info and hitting the submit button. Little did I know that this could lead to a form of Dictionary attack, where a bot can brute force all the registered email addresses on our website. Since this was an AJAX call, a bot can exploit this without having to enter any captcha codes. To avoid these security loop holes, I had to reorder fields on the registration page such that, email address was the first field. Immediately after email address, I had to put captcha image. Once the user enters the captcha code, we fire an AJAX call to check if the captcha code is correct. If yes, then we check if the email address is already registered or not. If it is, then we notify the user about the error and load a new captcha image.

Another example of how there is always a tension between making an application usable and making sure its secure. 

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