Hurry Agile Mumbai 2008 conference is Sold Out!
Agile Mumbai 2008 conference will be hosted by Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering, Mumbai on the 28th and 29th March 200. For this conference we have decided to have only tutorials and workshops. There is a growing feeling that plain talks at conferences are not very effective. So we want to increase the participants experience at the conference by hand picking really good speakers who have excellent material to deliver.
Based on what has happened so far, I’m convinced that this will be a very successful conference. We have 5 international speakers and 7 national speakers. We have over 2 weeks to go and already we have 183 people who have registered on the website. Even though we can accommodate more people, we have decided to cap the conference at 150 participants. So if you want to make sure you get a seat at the conference, please block your seat by send in your registration fee in advance. More details :